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Old 01-10-2014, 02:35 AM   #66
spacedog's Arena
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Re: NBA 2K14: It's Time to Revamp Presentation

Originally Posted by Irishwhiskey119
This is the most ridiculous blog/article i've ever read. Of ALL games to criticize you go after one of the 2 best game? lol

2k's presentation is incredible! The fact that you are spoiled by constantly experiencing new images and video and entertainment all over the internet shouldn't mask you from having realistic expectations in quality. But apparently it does.

You asking for 2k to step up it's game is selfish and wrong. I can understand you not wanting to see a Madden scenario of the same game being thrown out there w/ a couple new features every year but 2k jumped ahead so far in presentation and overall gameplay a couple years ago that i think if anyone deserves a pass it's them.

The Show and 2k are fantastic games and i will not critique them when every other studio and sporting franchise is so flawed.
Are you SERIOUS?!?!?! Now THAT is one of the dumbest things I've read on here in a while. It's "selfish" and "wrong" to expect a company to improve? Do you know what any of those words mean? Because I can barely put into words how wrong your post is. Just because other games aren't as good in some aspects then you're saying 2k shouldn't improve, and everyone should just give them a trophy and pretend everything they did is 100% flawless. Companies would get NOWHERE if they followed your perspective. I guess LeBron doesn't need to step up his game because he's the best in the league at the moment. I guess the Ravens didn't need to step up their game this year since they were at the top last year. Oh, wait. They didn't even make the playoffs.

Posts like yours just boggle my mind how someone could possibly say that it's wrong to want to improve a product, and then to call the person "wrong" and "selfish" because they want improvements? I'd say your logic behind saying that 2k deserves no criticism because EA has struggled is flawed, but that'd be giving your post too much credit, because there's clearly no logic involved.
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