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Old 01-10-2014, 03:30 AM   #86
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Re: 'Universal Currency' Coming to MLB 14 The Show

Originally Posted by Curahee
Im sorry, but I hate the 2K vs SCEA references.
Maybe NBA 2K had 0 Ducks, but MLB2K sure had a bunch. About 7 years worth!

And worrying about SCEA because 2K F'd up is like blaming Coke because Pepsi sucks!

I just dont see the rationale there.

Whatever. The point is that all these people (and Im not pointing fingers) but all these people are getting all in a tiff and SCEA hasnt even said word one yet. All because some (IMO) "Gamer Hack" posted an article making everyone freak out.
Pasta Padre needs to be put in his place and I wish someone would do it.
I would if I knew how. He is wrong more often than he is right and he has burned any bridges he had with SCEA and its probably why hes causing such havok right now. He does it for the site hits. Plain and simple and by the off chance hes right, he can come out and say "I told you so".

Hes A Freakin Hack!
I get it, and it IS getting old. I'm not going to lie, I will buy it, and play it either way, because I love it.
Honestly, I think people are worrying about it so much because there really isn't that much else out there right now. I just wish it was March or April or whenever it comes out. Because I can't stand waiting anymore LOL!
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