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Old 01-10-2014, 08:39 PM   #132
OVR: 1
Join Date: Mar 2010
Re: 'Universal Currency' Coming to MLB 14 The Show

Originally Posted by Threeebs
Oh my goodness. The reason these forums were created in the first place was so that we could talk about these issues. There's always going to be two sides to these things. If there wasn't, what fun would this be? It would just be a site filled with robotic like rebuttle.

The opening title was vague, explaining that univeral currency was coming, as if it wasn't here, although it was in a sort of way with virtual currency already in place. A gentleman voiced his concern over 2K sports integration of universal currency. That's all he did. That is in no way considered whining in my books. Most businesses, from my perspective anyway, look at any way possible to grow their profit. This wouldn't be surprising in the least if it were the case.

Every person has a voice and there was two sides going back and forth, which made it fun. We eventually got our answer. The man was showing concern, that's all. Give the guy a break. He wasn't being ignorant...
Great comment. The guy who voiced his complaints could've done so in a more constructive manner. But the echo chamber-like rebuttals to his complaint were also not constructive in my opinion.

I personally find Russell's comment a little vague so I will withhold judgment until I see the system as it's actually implemented -- and not rejoice prematurely.
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