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Old 01-18-2014, 11:37 AM   #15
Biscuits Brown
MrKhaotico's Arena
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Re: Duke Blue Devils: "Rags to Riches" (NCAA '14)

Originally Posted by Deuce2223
How's the rest of your schedule look. I don't think in my current 12 year dynasty I have ever seen Virginia very good, so I am assuming they are not, same with Wake and NC State, but V.T., Miami FL and UNC typically are. Just wondering if you are going to have any real challenges left.

Are you considering changing your slider settings and playing strictly AA or even Heisman in the future?

Also with your team putting up almost 600 yds of offense and scoring over 40 points a game, I was wondering if you plan on still playing with 12 min Quarters for your bowl game. My guess is you could probably put up 70-80 points at your current pace.
I have since I've been playing so good recently. I might just switchto strictly AA with sliders in heavy favor of the CPU.

I actually play very close games, but my opponents' defense just starts sucking the the 4th quarter. And because my defense is like Alabama's, I can hold them till 3rd down but then let them convert and always let other teams back in the game.
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