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Old 01-21-2014, 10:54 AM   #16333
kt-od's Arena
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Re: PlayStation 4 Discussion

Originally Posted by mestevo
Neither the Vita or PS4 have "signal range". The quality of both services have one thing in common, the pipe to your house and the network infrastructure in your house used to access them. Under the right conditions remote play can be fantastic - and much further than 20 feet away. I've played it 20+ miles from my house. Distance from your PS4 is irrelevant unless your wireless router is sitting on top of it. Adjust antenna, look into options to clean up any possible interference, and/or consider other hardware.

As for Netflix, perhaps out in the country, but no problems here. Cox has some issues with Youtube and Google services but haven't had any noticable issues w/ Netflix outside of AWS outages.
Thanks. I understand all of this information. By signal range, I meant the wireless range of my Vita to my wireless router. The signal drops to 30% after about 20 ft from my router. I will just have to mess with router position I guess. Thanks again from your reply.
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