01-23-2014, 05:36 PM
Re: MLB 14 The Show Could Have Different Release Dates For PS3 and PS4
think about it, no game comes out with only 1 month notice of when its coming out PS4 won't be out till May. also it's good for their business to have PS3 out first to make us buy 2 games.
the only way I am going to buy PS3 though is if its cross platform, I would like to start my season off and continue it with PS4 version that would be awesome something else to look forward to but would have already made a start. I can't see cross play form happening for rosters though, with all the different updated graphics and things like that how the hell will OSFM faces people make actually work on the PS4 because PS4 would have billions of more detail! I am afraid our OSFM will have to work on 2 lots of rosters this year and we may not seeing it till JUly for PS4 this year.