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Old 01-23-2014, 08:52 PM   #19
DieHardYankee26's Arena
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Re: Sports Daily: Yanks land Tanaka, Revisiting the Idea of a Salary Cap

I think it's crazy. It's like DrJones said, the teams have the money, their owners just don't want to spend it. Yankees fans shouldn't be penalized for having owners who are willing to put their entire worth behind the team if need be. I think a floor makes much more sense. Owners should be able to spend as much money as they want to put a good team on the field, and they should also be held to a certain standard payroll minimum so they can't just rake in the profits.
Originally Posted by G Perico
If I ain't got it, then I gotta take it
I can't hide who I am, baby I'm a gangster
In the Rolls Royce, steppin' on a mink rug
The clique just a gang of bosses that linked up
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