Here's a link to a thread at the HB Studios The Golf Club forums that addresses some concerns expressed here on gameplay:
How Will The Golf Club Represent The GAME of Golf
"Hi guys,
It's a balancing act at this stage. As you've rightly said for the first iteration of the game we have concentrated on a solid base to develop from. The goals of the game at the start was to make a fun, challenging game that was a bit different than what was out there already.
As you've also pointed out, we're also an indie developer. This means that not everything we want to go in can get in. So for the first release we wont have every option available to a golfer in real life, for example drops, although it is on our list. The time needed on this would have drastically impacted other features, as having infinite course creates a whole world of new edge cases other games dont have to worry about.
We do match the rules as closely as possible though, and we've tried to mimic how us amateurs play rather than pros. For example you do get penalty strokes for hitting the ball in the water, and then you retake the shot from where you are. It's not ideal but small steps in the right direction are better than stretching ourselves too thinly and getting nothing right, which I think you'll agree on
I think you'll enjoy what we have, and I think you'll very much enjoy helping us evolve the game in the time ahead."