02-07-2014, 02:44 PM
OVR: 50
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Lexington, KY
Posts: 20,289
Re: NBA Live 14 Title Update #2 Will Add Practice Mode & Other Fixes, Could Arrive Mo
Yep, I don't see how you can really downplay it. It's a big commitment from a company who publicly apologized, and to see them follow through on their word does build some type of trust back from the consumers standpoint.
I'm not sure how anyone who is still playing the game at all, wouldn't welcome some enhancements. The season is halfway over, still a ton of bball to be played in the NBA this year. I'm looking forward to seeing what this entails. Truly hoping that we'll get some missing faces, etc (Giannis, Pero Antic, Nate Wolters, etc).
We'll see, but I'm looking forward to it.