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Old 02-09-2014, 03:22 PM   #202
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bcruise's Arena
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Re: R.B.I. Baseball 14 Announced For Current and Next-Gen Consoles, Mobile Devices To

I see now why you guys were calling RBI a sim - because it's a different game than the one I was thinking of. I never played an SNES RBI - only the 3 NES games and while they were good for their time, I wouldn't have called them sims ("realistic" was the term I used back in that time) even back in that day. Both of the first two didn't have season modes or all the teams, and were really just you playing against every other team in the game. This series underwent some big changes over the years, and 3 is when things started to get more realistic. But apparently this SNES RBI was a big step up in the realism department, including the season and playoff modes you guys mentioned. Not surprising, since it would have been following Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball which despite the outwardly cartoony appearance of its characters was the first game I felt a shift into sports games becoming more realistic and true to their respective sports.

So RBI does have a history that I didn't know it had, apparently. But the development team will also be very different from back then - who even knows who "Gray Matter" is anymore?
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