Thread: Petition 2K
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Old 02-09-2014, 08:38 PM   #7
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Re: Petition 2K

Originally Posted by rgp913
Everyone- I know that I am not the only frustrated one who wishes they could use injured players in quick games and still have access to Allstar teams, uniforms, added players and special uniforms, such as Christmas and Alternate jerseys.

I would like to load up a quick game btwn Lakers and Thunder and be able to use Kobe/Westbrook but cannot unless I use the rosters from November; in which case I lose out on all jerseys, etc.

My proposal is simple. We all tweet 2k and request them to release one roster update for all-star break that has all the injuries disabled. After that, they can go back their normal roster up****** ways.

Just one, clean roster without injuries to give all the fans who don't like the current system but want the special add-on features that were included in later roster updates: All-Star jerseys, courts and teams. Missing players not included in game. Missing alternate and special jerseys. It is really not a big ask, and I would think if enough people voiced this desire they would listen.
I was so frustrated with this game at launch I begrudgingly set it aside after a couple days telling myself that I'd pick it up again after a few patches. Well, after patch #4 this game is still just about as broken as I remember it at launch. Now I have this fun little issue where the sound cuts out too.

Fully agree with your petition idea, although I think we should add in the ability to turn injuries "on" or "off" for Quick Games *and* MyGM "association" or Single season. It's completely ridiculous that you can't choose to start a new season by assigning guys on various teams to the injured reserve. The CPU auto-corrects and moves players back onto the active roster. Moving guys to the IR to keep them from playing is a simple feature that has been on nearly every sports game I can think of going back to the Sega Genesis.

Even after 4 patches next gen 2k14 feels rushed and unfinished. I'm going to give it one more month and hold out hope for a patch to fix some of the bigger issues. If it doesn't come I'm going to send it back to Amazon and demand a refund & cross my fingers 2k15 is what this game should have been.
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