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Old 02-13-2014, 12:16 PM   #34
Openroad_7's Arena
OVR: 10
Join Date: Mar 2008
Re: War Thunder - PC - PS4 Launch Title

Originally Posted by Quint75
When you start the early fields of battle, namely Albion and Stalingrad, you will immediately see everyone mixing it up in one big, crazy dogfight. Everyone goes after planes. Don't fall into this trap. Ignore the planes and take out as many ground targets as you can. That is what determines which side wins the battle and you can rack up a ton of points this way. Only go after a plane if one presents itself as an easy target or you can't shake one off of your tail. I have gotten well over 35 ground kills on the Stalingrad level: it enabled my team to win and gave massive points for my research projects and crew upgrades.

Following this logic, try to take out stationary AA guns or stationary Artillery first. They are the easiest to hit and kill. When you move on to vehicles, take out AA and artillery vehicles first, as they can damage you and they have less protection than armored vehicles. Save the armored vehicles for last.

You WILL get shot down a lot at first, both by enemies and by ground fire, and by simply crashing. Get used to it. Keep upgrading your plane and adjust your flying (never in a straight line for any length of time while being fired upon) and you will get a lot better. Learn how your plane controls: less speed equals tighter turns. If you can't out turn your opponent, out run them.

Hope this helps.
Be careful with only going after ground target, you do not get nearly as many Lion Points and RP Points as you do Planes. Without these points you will slow your progression on research of parts and new planes. Also, you can only destroy light tanks, AAA, Artillery and Howitzers with the weapons that you start off with your planes, need rockets for Medium and Heavy tanks and pillboxes. BTW the Americans have machine guns on their Tier 1 planes where the Russians have Cannons.
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