02-17-2014, 07:50 PM
OVR: 53
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: The 905
Posts: 68,062
Re: Sports Daily: The Success of Short QBs in the NFL
Before I go into Manziel specifically, I want to address the height thing. A while back I had the privilege of watching a game from 1994 which involved Drew Bledsoe during said game Don Criqui noted a conversation that he had with Marv Levy who stated that Bledsoe was the first star QB in NFL history at 6'5 or taller. If we go by that then it can reasonably be said that the idea of the big hulking QB is a relatively recent phenomenon that quickly became common wisdom which shut out shorter guys. It's true that the list of 6 feet and under guys is small enough to be, well a list isn't necessarily a bad thing. Including Wilson that list comes up to 18. If we include Wilson, the list of very good QBs in that listing comes to 10 with Eddie LeBaron being "okay". That's a pretty impressive ratio IMO.
So I think it's fair to say the notion of the short QB automatically being a bad thing can be put to rest.
Now onto Manziel in particular, I think this kid needs a LOT of growing up to do. It's clear that he believes all the hype that he's gotten within the bubble that is the Texas A&M community and the cavalier way in which he took money etc etc (whether you agree that this shouldn't be an issue or not he DID break rules) shows his lack of maturity. That being said, he does have a lot of talent but the running around with reckless abandon that he does in the college level is the kind of thing that's going to lead to big injuries in the pros. If he can reign some of his tendencies to run around and work on his passing game then yes, he should be a pretty good QB but something tells me it's going to take some physical blows before he gets the message that he can't just use his feet to make things happen.
It also really depends on what team he lands in. If he goes to a team like Oakland or Cleveland where there's outside forces at play that can easily turn ugly then it's going to be an uphill battle for him. One of the big rumors is that he goes to Houston and since that's his home state it's going to create a TON of pressure. A rookie NFL coach with a kid with maturity issues and reckless style of play playing in his home state can really cause a stir. If he has moderate success it's going to blow up the way Tony Romo's rise in Dallas but if it's slow going for Manziel people are going to get VERY antsy especially considering what happened to Matt Schaub last season.
So I think it's a 60/40 proposition with 60% being that there will be factors that will limit Manziel's success in the NFL but I DON'T think size will be one of those factors.
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