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Old 02-22-2014, 02:33 AM   #419
MrOldboy's Arena
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Re: MLB 14 The Show Fact Sheet (PS Vita, PS3, PS4)

Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
So many "little" things to look forward to.

Improved CPU plate discipline comes right to mind. On 13 it is good and far better than 11 and 12 and now it will be even better. Love that.
The only thing I care about regarding this is if the AI will chase pitches in the dirt. The other issues with the batter AI I can live with. You have to pitch differently to The Show AI batters than you would a real MLB batter. When you have a batter 1-2 after 3 fastballs on the corner, a 99 movement splitter in the dirt should at least warrant a flinch. Pitches that routinely get MLB hitters don't have the same effect in The Show.. Its been discussed on here at length over the years, but if the AI hitters now swing at in-the-dirt pitches at a realistic frequency it could change how you pitch in The Show completely.
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