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Old 03-04-2014, 02:36 PM   #337
ryanmc564's Arena
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Re: MLB 14 The Show Video and Developer Blog - Quick Counts and Player Lock

Originally Posted by Qb
Perhaps I'm reading too much into things, but how did using quick counts become associated with lacking skill/patience/discipline as it relates to playing The Show? Seems to me it's almost entirely about lacking time (or wanting to play more games in the same time).

I would say it helps with skill/ patience/ discipline because there is a lot of players, myself included at one point time who would or will swing at every pitch in which case you would rarely ever walk unless it was a intentional pass, so with the quick counts having started off with a 3-0 count will give the player more incentive to hold up on a pitch to try and draw a walk causing the player to look and follow the pitches more and be able to identify pitches better, hence becoming a better batter. For me It was a struggle to stop myself from swinging at every pitch I literally had to start putting the down the controller and start watching the pitches movements before I started to be more a discipline hitter.
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