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Old 03-04-2014, 06:56 PM   #204
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Re: NBA 2K15 Wishlist

Originally Posted by cowboy_kmoney
Yeah I like this I wish they bring back full editing of every player and go deeper with the injuries.Add more anamations with the injuries based on what the player hurts. If it a ankle have the player holding his ankle as well as his head or shoulder or wrist to so what's hurt.Instead we get one injury animation with the player getting help like it a knee injury but they then kome back a concussion.

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To piggyback off your injury idea, I'd also like to see injuries handled correctly by the players, coaches, and trainers. I'm unsure if it was changed for 2K14, but for years an in-game injury in NBA 2K has meant a single player writhing on the ground by himself, while his teammates (and opposition) move as far away as possible.

It'd be nice to see proper personnel (trainers) take the floor, teammates checking to see if a player is alright, and people aiding the injured off the court. If we were feeling particularly innovative, there could even be wheelchairs or stretchers for particularly serious injuries.

Also, I believe more varied injury animations could go a long way. Players do not always immediately hit the deck and begin rocking back and forth like Peter Griffin. Perhaps when rolling an ankle, maybe a player could hobble severely for a step or two before crumpling out of bounds. Maybe some injuries result in a sprawl. Maybe other injuries don't knock a player down, but send him hobbling toward his bench, or bending over in the backcourt. There's an open book of possibility there.

Last edited by VDusen04; 04-22-2014 at 04:03 PM.
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