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Old 03-26-2014, 12:15 AM   #17
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Re: Selling 99 Winfield amd Claiborne

Originally Posted by UMkris
Forums are for discussions of all types. Are any of you members of sports team forums? If so then the same **** happens on there. People say what's on their mind. It is what it is. I've played Uz3rp a few times and lost all three. One in a playoff style bracket for coins and lost. He played the same all 3 times. Run the ball and play to keep the ball out of your hands. Did it drain the clock yes. But it was never set to conservative clock no. Just my experience playing this guy ..........
As a Lions fan, individual team forums are the best. You have no idea how upset people can get especially when they're a fan of the worst organization in pro sports. I've seen everything from suicide threats to calling Calvin Johnson the worst receiver in football because he dropped one pass.

I love the internet
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