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Old 03-30-2014, 08:45 PM   #68
beedl001's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hattiesburg
Re: MLB 14 The Show - All Uniforms Revealed

Yes, the Braves BP cap was patched last year, but it isn't correct this year. We've all heard and understand they are bound to the style guide, which I don't think most if not all of us have ever seen.

My question is couldn't the style guide have more than one option as an alternate for many teams like the Mets, Rays, etc.? With only one slot for alternates in the game for each team (home & away) wouldn't it then be a choice by SCEA to pick what they wanted to put in the game? Kind of like they do with the retro unis. Don't they just pick whatever they want as the retros, I mean those older unis aren't in the style guide or are they? If SCEA is going to continue with limited uniform slots on the PS4 (which I don't know is the case, but maybe someone can clarify) why don't they have an online vote by the community on which retros to include? Give us the choice. My real hope is that there are no more limits on unis on the PS4.
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