This is a placeholder for an upcoming thread talking mostly about how to brew coffee so that it doesn't taste too sour. Another focus will be on what fast food chain cooks the best-tasting french fries. There will be occasional tangent on MLB 14 The Show sliders as well.
The on-going data collection can be followed here:
Meanwhile, here is the "currently recommended" slider set:
This set is based on the collected data through May 13. Everything is at 5 (default) except:
Foul Frequency: 3
Solid Hit: 7
Starter Stamina: 6
Reliever Stamina: 6
Pitcher Control: 3
Pitcher Consistency: 4
Strike Frequency: 4
Manager Hook: 4
Pitch Speed: 2
Fielding Errors: 7
Throwing Errors: 3
Fielder Run Speed: 3
Fielder Reaction: 4
Fielder Arm Strength: 4
BR Steal Ability: 0
Note that Pitch Speed is set to 2 in order to obtain realistic SB%.