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Old 04-08-2014, 08:31 AM   #63
Armor and Sword
The Lama
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Re: MLB 14 The Show Review (PS3)

I am going to revise my score…….yes I am.

I feel it needs to be pointed out about a few of design decisions that IMO were awful…..just really awful.

14 is no doubt the very best game in the series and a truly incredible game. I am loving it big time. However a few of the design decisions after playing a ton of games have me really irked…..I am getting over it….in fact I am over it…but again mind boggling to me these choices were made.

1. The option to turn off the HR Cam - The majestic pull back camera of 13 on a no doubter was one of he greatest views I have ever seen in a baseball video game. Pure drama and excitement every time I hit one on 13 that was a no doubter. It is no more during real time play of The Show 14 because we can't turn off the HR cam this year. I am baffled, really baffled by tho design decision. An option taken away? Not like these guys. I have a very bad feeling it can't be patched back in….maybe I am wrong. So hopefully it's back for 15.

2. The blue circle under the fielder with auto fielding and manual throwing. A Developer commented on it and he was voted down on keeping that (blue circle under the fielder) out so I appreciated the candid response. I just don't get how it was voted in when it is pretty clear as day who has the ball when you have auto fielding on. And if a player is that unskilled and is canceling throws because of their supposed confusion…..please don't dumb down this beloved simulation for us who have been playing this game for years upon years….and if the blue circle is so needed for some…..give us a toggle to shut it off. I really feel like those of us who play with a clean screen got screwed with that big time. It really takes away from the slogan "So real it's unreal" with that huge……HUGE mistake in design. Please give us back the clean screen this year…..if not please notate this flaw for 15.

3. When you press select to see hot zones, spray charts for hitters etc…….current stats are gone. Why? Why? I don't understand that decision as well. It was always nice to see a players current in game and season stats in that menu. Another baffling design decision.

I don't play online. So no deductions from me there.

- .75 points

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Last edited by Armor and Sword; 04-08-2014 at 09:37 AM.
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