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Old 04-08-2014, 09:22 PM   #7
OhioCub's Arena
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Re: OSFM Pitch Edits 2014

Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Depends. In real life, movement is determined by these factors:

Arm angle/release point
Grip/finger pressure

So say my changeup grip was three fingers across four seams (aka standard straight change grip), but I threw low 3/4 and therefore pronated fairly early. The movement would be akin to the circle change in-game and therefore I would label it as a circle change since movement trumps grip for me. In the game you really only have control over grip type, arm angle has a very minimal effect on movement.

So to answer your question - #1 straight change #2 circle change #3 circle change with less movement. I only label split-changes and palmballs if specifically mentioned.
Thanks for that clarification, I know about arm angle and all that you mentioned in real life, just wasn't sure if that difference was strictly from those factors or if it was a totally different type of pitch/grip.

Also, has there been any change the speed ranges of any of the pitches this year (waiting for the PS4 version myself)? I know there's been times (Joel Zumaya is one that comes to mind) where a certain pitcher has the movement of a 2-seamer but the velocity is higher than the 2-seamer allows in game.
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