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Old 04-15-2014, 10:56 AM   #63
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HustlinOwl's Arena
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Re: MLB 14 The Show PS4 Hands-On Preview (SI Extra Mustard)

Originally Posted by bayman
This stuff has all obviously been written by someone not associated with the developers, off the official release from the developers back when the teaser trailer was revealed. That's why they all say 1000 specifically when the final possible total, Russell has since said, is over 1000. But let's just assume that they are lying to sell that one extra copy to the person who cares so absolutely about the unique number of fans, much more logical. It is a joke that Russell and co. are getting called liars for Russell being up front with updated info that otherwise would never have been found out.
I dont care either way as I am more interested in actually playing the game than watching the crowd, however if youre going to review games or talk about them please at least review all modes not those that youre interested in (example...ONLINE) and if giving information on the game at least fact check prior
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