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Old 04-16-2014, 09:07 AM   #409
saturn2187's Arena
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Re: MLB 14 The Show Blog - Online Franchise

Originally Posted by mooch49
I really am enjoying doing a solo online league. But still not sure if I can continue when I get the PS4 version. I would think so being its saved on Sony's server. But still would like confirmation. I know online franchises will not crossover platforms next year. What about just this year.

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My goal is to carry over my online franchise from one year to the next, even though it is not going to be offered by SCEA. In order to do this, I will need to enter every single player rating into a spreadsheet. Come the offseason, I will take another look at the ratings and edit the spreadsheet as necessary.

I will then edit the OSFM roster file to reflect all changes, and carry it into the following season.

The initial setup will be most time consuming -- but it only takes about 30-40 seconds per player to enter their details onto this chart. New, drafted players will need to manually added later.

I think having a spreadsheet like this would come in handy for everyone, as it could be used for easier scouting, player evaluation, trades, drafts, etc. The 'filter' tool will come in especially handy as you look for players meeting several criteria.

Have a look at what I've done so far -- it's just a start --- but it's an open Google document and anyone is free to help.
For now, I will just be inputting the SCEA roster players, but when OSFM comes out, I will start adding them in as well.

Of course, if all this information is easily accessible elsewhere , please point that out to me and save me a ton of work. (Like maybe a way to export a roster file to excel?)

Here's the link:
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