04-28-2014, 05:33 PM
OVR: 9
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Connecticut
Posts: 1,689
Re: More Madden NFL 15 Details Revealed
my guess is that Kuechly is CGI in the teaser. I not really buying the madden marketing team sales pitch. I am interested in "in-game gameplay" only. Im too old to get all giddy about a teaser/trailer.
What I did like was that it was said that there are "all new" camera angles. They better be customizable or its a waste. Its 2014 and every sports game out has had custom camera angles for YEARS now. If its a couple new angles zoomed in or out higher or lower its a fail. EA has to let the user adjust the camera to his or her liking.
Lets all hope EA spent the money and put forth a complete effort from all aspects of the game. As well as give the devs every possible resource to deliver a HIGH quality product to us that we can all enjoy.
I want to play Madden 15 and say "Wow, HELL YEA! Now THIS is next gen!"
We will see
It's not the dog in the fight, it's the fight in the dog... XBL GT: Godz Hittman