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Old 05-01-2014, 04:43 AM   #2
ReidSkee's Arena
OVR: 0
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Kentucky
Re: The World Is Yours CAP Sign-Up Thread (NBA 2K14)

Okay, here we go, the meat of this entire topic: The CAP post!

The Letters
A - Top 5 Pick (71-78 overall rating guaranteed)
B - Lottery Pick (65-70 overall rating guaranteed)
C - Mid-to-late 1st Round Pick (60-64 overall rating guaranteed)
D - 2nd Round Pick (overall will be below 60 guaranteed)

The Download Info
All classes are Xbox One ONLY.
Xbox One GT: RedSkyReborn
Class Names:
2014 - TheWorld14
2015 - TBD
2016 - TBD

The Classes

A - David Solomon (6'3" SG/PG, St. John's NY; MuchToLearn)
A - Shaq Davis (7'0" C, LSU; kbb33)
A - Danny Jones (6'5" SG/PG, Alabama; Lil_Tip)
A - Denilson Santiago (6'9" SF/PF, Brazil; ReidSkee)
A - Byron Ford (6'10" PF/C, Arkansas; ReidSkee)

B - Joe Cohen (6'0" PG/SG, Wake Forest; AdamJones113)
B - Michael Evans (6'1" PG/SG, USC; og236)
B - Trey Young (6'8" SF/SG, Boise State; Deuce2223)
B - Cam Rodman (6'8" PF/SF, UCLA; ReidSkee)
B - Christian Carter (6'5" SG/PG, Georgetown; BUCKSWEATSHIRT)
B - Leo Meier (7'0" C, Germany; ReidSkee)
B -
B -
B -

C - Jeff Frazier (6'9" PF/SF, Saint Mary's; Ghostspeed)
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -

D - Kobe Carr (6'8" SF/SG, North Florida; mb625)
D -
D -
D -
D -

A -
A -
A -
A -
A -

B -
B -
B -
B -
B -
B -
B -
B -
B -

C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -
C -

D -
D -
D -
D -

Potentials Remaining
1 All-Star Caliber Players (84 potential or higher)
7 Long-Time NBA Starting Caliber Players (75-83 potential)
7 Sixth-Man/Occasional Starter Caliber Players (70-74 potential)
5 Role Player Caliber Players (66-69 potential)

I will add more D's if the interest is there. Also, I will be taking this one draft class at a time, mostly to ensure that there are a sufficient amount of players for every draft.

And now, finally, the most important part...

The Application Sheet (COPY AND PASTE)

First Name:
Last Name: (I'd prefer if you used a name that can be pronounced in the game, but you can use whatever name you want that isn't explicit)
Date of Birth: MM/DD/YYYY (year, of course, will vary based on the draft class)
Second Position:
Preferred Jersey #:
Left or Right Handed?:

Skin Tone (1-6 scale, 1 being the lightest and 6 the darkest):
Any Hair Style/Facial Hair Preference?:
Any Gear Preference?:
Any Animations You'd Like To Use?:

What Grade Are You (A/B/C/D):
What Potential Do You Have (All-Star/Starter/Sixth Man/Role Player):
Best NBA Player Comparison:
User Involvement (this indicates whether you'd like to provide storylines in the main thread, do press conferences, etc.; 100% optional): Yes/No

Play Style:
Signature Skills/Traits? (limit two):

4 Strengths of Play Style:

4 Weaknesses of Play Style:

Player Bio (optional):

If there is anything that you guys think I should add or have any ideas on how to improve this structure, feel free to speak up!
Call me Red.
The World Is Yours: A CAP NBA 2K14 Simulation (Sign Up Today!)
NCAA: Kentucky Wildcats | NFL: Cincinnati Bengals
MLB: Cincinnati Reds | NBA: Cleveland Cavaliers
NHL: Pittsburgh Penguins | Premier League: Arsenal

Last edited by ReidSkee; 05-06-2014 at 08:51 AM.
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