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Old 05-06-2014, 05:34 AM   #943
OVR: 13
Join Date: May 2009
Blog Entries: 6
Originally Posted by Bacong
enough hyperbole. let's get to the point -- people are upset that they've had to wait 4 hours (and counting) for a product that was promised at 12:01, and people are telling them not to be upset because there are worse things happening in the world.

that is some of the most ridiculous logic and I'm not sure how it because such a popular thing to say. Unless you're literally dead or dying you can say it about anything.

Car broke down? well at least you're still alive! could be worse!
Lost your job? well, you have your health!

See what I mean? It's a coping mechanism. People want to wait until they're burning alive to complain about it being a little hot because it could always be a little hotter.
If we had an award, this would be post of the night.

Nail on head sir...nail on head.
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