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Old 05-06-2014, 12:26 PM   #1399
FBeaule04's Arena
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Join Date: Apr 2005
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Re: MLB 14 The Show Available As Day 1 Digital Download at 12:01 AM EST, May 6th (PS4

Originally Posted by Cutwolf
Can someone please clarify for me why you would preorder a digital game? I literally can't think of one reason besides some sort of preorder bonus (which I don't think existed here) or funding development (not applicable here), but I'm sure there must be one.
I'll answer you the same I did with my wife and mother since they told me I should go with the hard copy.

1. I save taxes, which for me was 12$. Not a big deal, I know.
2. It's ecologicaly more responsible to buy digitaly instead of hard copy. It's not a big deal, I know
3. I thought I could start the download, get to bed, hit the gym, came back home and install without having to make a cut towards a store to buy it. Again, not a big deal.

It's the 3 reason. I can also add that I bought a few games on the PS3 and PS4 and downloaded them without problems. Therefore, I wasn't expecting a problem with MLB 14 The Show.

What I should have done is read more about Day 1 Digital delays before pre-ordering. That's my fault on that part. Next time, I'll know better.
"Ice hockey is a form of disorderly conduct in which the score is kept." - Doug Larson
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