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Old 05-08-2014, 12:56 PM   #58
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 410
Re: 2K Sports Names Kevin Durant as NBA 2K15 Cover Athlete, Arrives October 7th

Originally Posted by 23
Im not here to be questioned by you

I only posted because of all of the complaining that goes on and alot of it is warranted then there is unnecessary stuff spewed continually.

One thing I'll say to you is not to bypass the language filter anymore like you did in one of your previous posts because its an infraction and a ban, FYI

I dont care what your issues are with the game, but you can talk about it without breaking the TOS.
First of all, no one comes on here to be spoken to like they are peasants, so cool out with the holier than thou attitude.

second, when did i break the TOS? We're talking about basketball and the game of 2k as to which it relates. At what point did i "bypss the language filter"? I wrote too many posts to keep track of every single word spoken in here, but i dont recall me cursing on here. If i did, my bad, but umm...btw you and me, lets stick to basketball, because this isnt the forum nor the discussion i was trying to have with you nor anyonelse on here. Thank you.

Last edited by Mrleaderboards; 05-08-2014 at 12:59 PM.
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