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Old 05-10-2014, 08:13 PM   #31
XXstormmXX's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Cover Voting Has Begun - Only 16 Players in the Bracket

Originally Posted by Trick13
For the record, I never once, here or anywhere, said that any Cowboy should be in the bracket.

If I were nominating guys from the team it would be Dez, as you said and Murray, but would not expect either of them to go far.

The only way I would vote for a Cowboy is if Romo were in there, and then only with the sadistic hope that the curse would grab him and maybe he would retire from back complications or something because he irritates the heck out of me.

And no, Dallas hasn't had a decent defense in years. So no wonder they can't win anything, and judging from this year's draft they will continue to suck on defense. I have been a fan since I was little and always will be a fan of the Cowboys, but I have no illusions about what they are currently - a crappy team with a sub par coach and an idiot for a GM...

I miss the glory days with the triplets and all that defensive speed, but at least my team has glory days to look back on with fondness, as opposed to the Egirls who have never won a SB - you have to go back to black and white film to find a significant Egirls team...
You know you're making every Cowboys fan on the planet look bad right? Just making sure you know.
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