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Old 05-12-2014, 03:30 PM   #19
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Join Date: May 2014
Re: MLB 14 The Show Review (PS4)

Originally Posted by dalger21
It's happen to me a few times. I just chopped it up to ump missing call like a number do in real life...(I'm looking at you CB Bucknor and Angel Hernandez, perhaps two of the worst umpires ever...but I digress)..
That's what I originally felt as well. However, if you steal as often as possible, you'll see it happens way too frequently. I don't think stealing every chance you get is realistic, but just to test how often this would occur resulted in it happening a lot more often than it should be.

And changing it to that "perfect calls only" option doesn't change it either. Still happens a ton.

I just don't understand how this is all of a sudden an issue when before I rarely saw it happen.
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