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Old 05-14-2014, 09:47 PM   #31
OkayC's Arena
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: Sound Off: KD's MVP, is he the best in basketball?

Lol is it wrong of me to not have read a single post on this thread before posting myself ? Forgive me if i am, im just not willing to read the other three pages of arguments, stat spewing, and overreactive degrading/praising of players that has probably taken suit over the last few pages.

Anyway strictly answering the thread title. Durant is not better than lebron over his career, but was more consistent over the entire season. He earned mvp based on what i saw. I know heat/lebron fans might chew me out for saying it, but overall durant was better for a longer period of time THIS season. So merely stats wise, for this season alone, i would say kd was the best in basketball by a small margin for just this season.

Last edited by OkayC; 05-14-2014 at 09:50 PM.
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