Where would you rank 2K14 among previous 2Ks?
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05-19-2014, 01:43 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2013
Re: Where would you rank 2K14 among previous 2Ks?
Originally Posted by
Park mode is a downgrade from blacktop and Crews.. I am playing a video game, I shouldnt have to wait in a line to get to play a game. Lets say I am about to go out in 20 mins and just want to play a quick game, I can do that with Blacktop and crews but not with Park mode. And there are other things bad about that game mode too.
That's what's always turned me away from it. The few times i've played it, I'll wait around for 10-15 minutes, only to have my teammates hog the ball for most of the game. No fun at all.
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