05-22-2014, 08:31 AM
OVR: 53
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 6,694
Re: WWE 2K15 Release Date Set For October 28th (Xbox One, PS4, 360, PS3)
Even with all the classic wrestlers they may bring in every year. The game just has been feeling boring for years now. Mainly because the limited things can do. No hotspots to pull moves off like you could in the past. No backstage fighting anymore. You can't throw people on the top of the cage like you could in SD vs Raw 07. Like there is wall there stopping you from throwing them off. The game has been so limited for so long. But I hope now those excuses of been limited is gone. Since next gen has so much memory now they can do so much. But with Yukes still at the controls and VC only as a helper. I'm kind of worried that we will get the same old game play with with just updated graphics ala 2k14. But still to early to say until we see gameplay from it.