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Old 05-22-2014, 04:22 PM   #25
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DJ's Arena
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I really don't know what the answer is to make wrestling games more enjoyable at this point. The WWE games have been stagnant for years now. WWE 13 and 2K14 were solid efforts, but heavily played on nostalgia while the gameplay stayed largely the same.

There certainly needs to be more ebb and flow to the matches, but I don't know how to make that happen. The past 2 games have attempted to create that, but ultimately did not succeed. The reversals are still too easy to predict the timing after you play a handful of matches.

Tag-team matches also need a lot of work, especially when it is CPU vs. CPU. I would like to sit and watch those matches (I usually run CPU-CPU in most of my Universe matches just to keep the results a mystery), but I have literally seen those contests take 20-plus minutes with every pin attempt being broken up by the guy on the apron.

I'm sure I'll pick the game up as I always do when it goes on sale around the holidays. I can't justify spending full-price for WWE games anymore.
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