Ask and ye shall receive! Actually I was trying to find my 30 team control suggestions as you posted
I will add this to the 1st post also - but here is my suggestions
You set you profile up as you want - I tend to leave the banking and crap at auto but any player stuff is set to manual
Setting 2 should be set up as follows
Manual Control - 40 man roster, lineups, trades, waivers, rosters
Auto Control - Banking, Training, Management, Transportation
You can go into Gameplay setting and change injuries on both profiles to manual if you want to do the injuries yourself, off or CPU
I tend to do manual to start the year and disable any players out for the season
If you want to let the CPU make trades - when you start your franchise put CPU trading on but also turn off instant trades - check the transactions in your franchise every day - skim through and cancel any stupid trades the CPU wants to make.
Remember you can change on of the player 2 or your own settings anytime during your franchise