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Old 06-04-2014, 06:37 PM   #278
Willard76's Arena
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Re: MLB 14 The Show OSFM Hybrid Roster - V2 Released

Originally Posted by msmith05
question for Willard and those that worked on the roster. Do you find that the speed you have set for some people are a tad high? Example, I am running with Seattle and Minnesota. Brad Miller has 15 SB on the 22nd of May. Sam Fuld has 33 as of June 15th. I am controlling them....but I would have to look I think Miller might have 1 this entire year. Nunez On twins Speed is through roof too he has 12 SB. Do you see this as a problem and I guess the other question is does zip projections project the numbers out to warrant the results I am getting?
The odd player gets overrated just because something like speed is hard to truly rate. I won't be involved in the next update but hopefully teeds will take a look at these guys. In the case of Fuld - he has the legit speed just doesn't play regularly normally.

Originally Posted by DookieMowf
So is there a way to use these rosters without injured players in A ball? I would like to use these, but I don't care about it mimicking real life as for as injuries go. I don't want to have to use the 30 control set up.

Before you start your season go into the roster and add the players to the 40 man roster. They should make their respective clubs


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Associate Creator and Godfather of the OSFM Hybrid Roster

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