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Old 06-08-2014, 04:19 AM   #490
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

Originally Posted by GameplayDevUFC
I totally hear what you're saying, and this is very valid feedback. To play devils advocate, I think there is very satisfying payoff if you can execute something like the pettis/henderson showtime kick in the same context it happened in real life with our game, with the same setup and the same outcome. That would be an amazing moment.

And given that our game will be what people are playing in the future when who knows what happens in upcoming ppv's, it's prudent for us to look ahead at where mma techniques are going and what things may come up in the future and give the user the opportunity to explore those techniques as they may very well show up as the next big highlight reel finish. Plus it's fun, exciting and that's what some people look for in the game.

Is that payoff worth it given the drawbacks you outline? Certainly a subjective thing that different people will have differing opinions about. It's a debate that was had internally as well. Perhaps there is a better approach that gives more people what they want, and I respect where you're coming from on this. Know that moving jabs have come up many times throughout development and is certainly on our radar, but are not something we delivered for this year's release as you've already discovered. I wish I could give you a more satisfying answer than that, but hopefully this at least give you a perspective on way things were done the way they were.
can we map jabs to l1 on cafs as that may help a bit with the walking jab issues or are they just thrown so stationary that holding forward and pressing l1 and either punch button will have no effect. Are we even allowed to map any strikes to these modifiers or just forced flashy stuff as my evan tanner caf will have none of that superman punch riff raff. thanks in advance.
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