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Old 06-09-2014, 02:49 PM   #38
Diehardfan's Arena
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Hanover Park. Illinois
Re: NHL 15: E3 Trailer

Originally Posted by SpectralThundr
No offense meant but this is the type of stuff that drives me crazy in the complaint department, Does Kane not look like Kane because there isn't as many wrinkles in his baby face? Do people honestly expect EA or any other developer for that matter to rebuild every player's face from scratch every couple years? How cost effective do you think that would be?

Same with equipment, or goalie helmets, who EA would need to get artists permission from to use authentic masks or risk getting sued by the mask creators themselves. There's a ton of legal quagmire there that I don't think people take the time to really think about. When you're playing the game from an over head perspective are you really worried about if a player is wearing a Bauer helmet or a CCM helmet? Is it honestly that critical to your enjoyment of the game?
Great post...echos what I have been saying for years. The only time you see a face, helmet, mask or a stick is when you're NOT playing. Who plays the game at an ice level where you can see this stuff anyway? Sorry to all the kiddies who need this sort of thing but let them invest their time in AI, gameplay and puck physics. The only thing I'm interested in other than that is the announcing team, which they finally upgraded. For the first time in years this will feel like a new game. Well, at least it'll sound like one.
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