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Old 06-11-2014, 10:07 PM   #4
OVR: 0
Join Date: Jan 2012
Re: 2 minutes of Full-gameplay

Literally looks like NHL 14 with a new paint job. Goalies look exactly the same. Three times in the first 15 seconds a player gets bumped and goes to his knees and all three are the exact same canned animation. The jerseys move, but they move when they shouldn't be and don't when they should be. The jerseys aren't waiving in the wind when the players rush the puck, but then when McDonagh is standing practically still before the fight, his jersey is rippling as if he's standing in front of a fan. McDonagh doesn't look like he has a cyber face either. Gameplay looks exactly the same to me. Nice to see the puck bouncing around a bit more but he AI doesn't look any better. My excitement for this game is down about 80% since when it was initially announced.
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