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Old 06-12-2014, 03:08 PM   #86
@legendm0de's Arena
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Re: NHL 15: First Gameplay Video Emerges

no bueno looks like i'll still have to be tinkering the hell out of this game still. I can bring the new gen qualities out from what they have here presumably but they still allow to much BC into this game.

I can't stand directional passing either, how can you claim real puck physics when passes are made tape to tape at 20 degree angles just by tapping R2 or whatever pass button is. The puck should be free and loose to control like in real life, and easing the level should not make this change. Thats like if rookie level of Madden allowed any QB to throw darts 70 yards down the field every time. Easing the level should effect the creativity, intelligence and skill level of CPU AI but now make the puck move this unrealistic. In fact the skill level doesn't even exactly have anything to do with this type of pass accuracy, that's a slider setting that has to be minimized.

Still much more remains to be seen\

And those refs look god awful, I would stay away from this version if they are going to look like that in the final build.
Red Legend

Last edited by @legendm0de; 06-12-2014 at 03:14 PM.
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