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Old 06-15-2014, 12:28 PM   #1
JokerWins's Arena
OVR: 1
Join Date: Aug 2011
Need help setting up my franchise please

Hey All

I am setting up my new franchise and I am a bit confused. I am using the Hybrid rosters and he posts that you should control all the rosters. I want to control all the rosters but I only want to play with my team. I want the right though to make sure computer teams are making smart trades and moves. So basically I want them to be played by the computer but the rosters controlled by me. Now here is where I need the help. I was told to make sure I have complete roster control set to the profile. I am just confused about does that mean when it is time to pick my team I select every team or does that mean something else? Trying to set this up right the first time and having some issues. Thanks for the help
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