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Old 06-17-2014, 01:16 PM   #56
OVR: 4
Join Date: Apr 2009
Re: Madden NFL 15 Video - Gameplay Footage & More on the Play Call System

Originally Posted by l_reed05
I have to agree with you... I guess the real difference here is how serious you take the game... so your whole breakdown makes me realize you take this game far more serious than I do.... like I said for me its simple.. better graphics and new rosters would satisfy me. I think you took my "crazy" comment as a shot at you when I was only using it as a figure of speech.... What i've learned over my years of playing video games is the more you expect the more you will be disappointed... when your expectations are set so high you will overlook a decent game only because you were expecting perfection... to me it sound like the only way you will be satisfied is if you go to a stadium with a ps4 controller and sit in the crowd and act like your playing Madden... but all in all u have good points.. i'm not knocking you for your "above thought process" just relating my thoughts to the subject....
Ppl aren't looking for perfection, it's just some ppl have higher standards. To your own admission your standards are low to prevent disappointment. Mostly though ppl just want to the game to work the way the devs say it does. This isn't an attempt to convince you to like Madden less, but think about this, the current dev team just came out and indirectly admitted that QB accuracy flat out hasn't mattered/worked in Madden a half decade. Sure we all saw it didn't work and the Terrell Pryors of the world became go to Franchise QBs, but now it's been confirmed what we all suspected. Yet for at least a half decade no prior dev team cared about fixing. t.
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