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Old 06-18-2014, 04:14 PM   #7
OVR: 25
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: The Ocean State
Re: EA UFC: Q & A Thread

Originally Posted by Dirk5049ers
1. Why can't we see recent players we've met on PS4?
2. I threw 266 strikes to the cpu's 433 in a 5 round fight. Why was our stamina the same after the fight?
3. What is the best/fastest way to break a submission on Pro/Hard difficulty? It's impossible if you're slightly late.
4. I had a guy quit in a fight online and I didn't get the win. Is this how it always works?
5. Why are there so many reverses and parrys? The cpu spams strikes and are out of energy, but still parry and reverse all of my positions on the ground, even when I'm blocking transition with full energy.

To name a few....

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