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Old 06-20-2014, 09:03 PM   #309
(aka Alberto)
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Re: EA Sports UFC Available Now, Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
So I been playing around with all the difficulty settings yesterday. To me normal difficulty has the least amount of CPU AI BS. I also noticed fighters fight much closer to their real life counter parts on that difficulty setting as well. Where as on Pro and Hard every CPU AI pretty much fought the same, head hunting.

I fought against the weakest person in each division and they fought like the champion of the divisions. Doing stuff way above their skill level of what their ratings listed them as. Fought against them again at normal and they fought like they suppose to, like the scrubs of the division.

Then I fought against all the submission guys. On Pro and Hard, they never looked to take me down at all. Instead they were just head hunting. On normal, they looked to take me down 4 to 6 times in the 1st round and actually attempted submission moves.

And finally, I noticed on normal strikes do way more damage and the recovery time from those strikes are not as fast for the CPU like it was on Pro and Hard. For example, on normal a liver shot is a long health state damage that last a good 30 seconds of them moving in pain holding their liver. On Pro and Hard, the damage last 3 seconds and they instantly recover. Jab strikes play more of a factor in fights on normal as well because hey they actually do damage. Which was nice to see.

I also noticed more cuts on normal. Which is probably because strikes do more damage on this setting and the AI don't recover as fast. The amount of flashy moves is severely toned down as well on Normal. The CPU AI sway more then they block too, which is nice. When I played on Pro and Hard, they simply just blocked and parried, but they blocked way more then they parried.

Leg kicks actually slows them down too and they are quicker to change their stance to protect it and back up off of you. Where as on Pro and Hard they would just check it while constantly plodding forward.

So to me anyway, Normal gives you a more strategic AI. Pro and Hard gives you nothing but a head hunter always plodding forward looking to throw nothing but flashy moves type of AI.
I gotta agree with GMSS on this. Ive been playing Normal most of the day and it gives you a variety of AI tactics. The problem I'm running into is that takedowns are a little too easy and so is grappling. I think I'll just have to roll out the house rules I used for UFC 3 to make it more of a challenge.
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