06-23-2014, 01:53 PM
All Star
Re: Anyone Picking Up Madden 15 For The PS3?
I may get it I find it funny that were like 7 weeks from release and nothing yet for info for current gen except some things in next gen will be in current gen?
really u can't just name what's in and not?
I know they said this gen lacks or so they say memory for animations so im thinking ps3/360 users will be stuck with same ole animations as in previous yrs which means wr's standing around not reaching or fighting for ball or any other new ones ea put in for next gen.
now as far as the comment that this gen is holding madden back that's a joke right? madden played better on a older console then when it moved to ps3/360 since it moved to the more powerful system's we've basically had same game with just a roster update with few new things sprinkled in or taken out.
im not trying to bash madden but it gets tiring hearing ppl saying this or that system is holding back madden when that's not the truth.