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Old 07-04-2014, 05:59 PM   #222
Haval93's Arena
OVR: 13
Join Date: Jan 2008
Re: Madden NFL 15 Gameplay Video - Seahawks vs. 49ers (SimFBallCritic)

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I'm about ready to call bs on the Infinity Engine adding physics to animations because I think they later admitted that it didn't take height/weight into consideration, I think it maybe just calculated velocity or something and that's probably wrong too. I'll have to look back to be certain but I know last year, even in EA released trailers/videos, they had things like Percy Harvin "force impacting" defenders off the ground, which doesn't seem like even augmented physics to me. It added a "rag doll" effect, that I guess is a visual that we instantly associate with physics but that was the main downside Ian used to refer to when asked about a BackBreaker style physics engine in Madden.

So IE seemingly added the the downside of a rag doll effect of the BackBreaker true physics, minus the other positive additions of true physics. If there were clearly going to be rag doll issues with either one, why didn't they just go with a true physics engine then?
Wait. Do you have a source for this claim? If true, it's ridiculous and in no way can EA tout they take actual physics calculations into play. How are they calculating momentum? Magic and prayers? Momentum equals the mass of an object times it's velocity. Are they simply just replacing how characters collided with rag-doll physics and labeling that as a brand new physics engine? I remember when they introduced "RTP" that they said they hired physicists to help them, what happened? When learning physics, one of the first things you learn are about momentum and forces, did they simply forget their own lesson plan when programming this game?

Regardless, at least the game is improving and the visuals are top notch this year.
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