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Old 07-06-2014, 01:14 PM   #456
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jun 2003
Re: MLB 14 The Show OSFM Hybrid Roster - V2 Released

Originally Posted by jeschafer_1
Teeds, first off man thanks a bunch for all the hard work you continue to put into this project. I know how much of a pain and job it is to keep something like this updated, we all greatly appreciate it!!! Just one quick question, do you plan on continuing to update this roster all the way until the end of the season?? If yes then, do you have any plans of putting out an end of season roster with all the injured guys back in there respective positions?? Also, any thought into maybe doing a re-rate for some of the guys based on end of season stats?? This would let us simulate the 2014 season and basically be able to pick up with the offseason and do the signings and trades and whatnot that we want to with having all the teams up-to-date and at full strength. Thanks again, not sure if you have even thought about this or not and not sure if you want to take on this challenge as it would take some time, but if you keep up with the daily transactions like you have been, most of the tough work is already taken care of. Who knows maybe if you would be willing to do this, there might be some other guys that would volunteer to help out with the process. Thanks again man!!!
This will be it for me. I teach full-time, need to finish my Masters thesis, want to get some traveling in, and need to devote more time to writing. I'm already stretched thin as it is. If someone else wants to do what you have in mind by all means take the roster and run with it.
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