07-07-2014, 03:25 PM
OVR: 33
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 4,819
Re: Updated NASCAR '14 Patch News, Free Daytona 500 DLC Pack Arrives After Patch Rele
It's rare that I feel so deeply about something, but if this patch doesn't fix a whole laundry list of things, I will write this developer off entirely forever.
They have the right attitude, but it's the same song and dance each year with this. If this one isn't right on the money, it's more an issue of competence than anything else, and that isn't easy to fix.
One could argue we've already passed that point, but like I said--I don't usually feel like a developer is in over its head, ever.
Not until now, at least. If I still see cars that magically don't have to pit on a 4x fuel use race, the bizarre lines that CPU drivers take, brake checking, etc. etc., this is just a lost cause.