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Old 07-09-2014, 05:41 PM   #26
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Re: NASCAR '14 Patch Has Finally Arrived

Originally Posted by TCrouch
Maybe that's the difference, Bob. If you're running online (and it works, which is different than last I tried), that would be a big part of it. Or maybe longer races with lower wear percentages, like a 50% race on 2X or something, would create less obvious issues. I'm curious what you run as far as race length percentage, AI percentage, fuel and tire wear.

Because I ran a few races on the 360 last night and watched "the train" follow each other around Richmond unless I stuck a nose under, at which point they wiggle-spazzed and would go up into the wall, halfway through a spin--and then magically right themselves.

I mean, it's exactly what it's been the whole time for me--a sometimes fun little diversion that looks sorta like NASCAR. But as a mostly offline gamer, there are a plethora of issues I still saw within 30 minutes. If you are meaning the group you LITERALLY race with, perhaps that's the difference...online vs. offline?
We are running offline, but are talking with each via text, and phone. We are typically running 20% to 50% Race Now races, with full qual and damage on. We see some of the issues that most are describing on here. but we also see a decent amount of good in the game also.

Trust me I'm not on here trying to convince anyone to like the game, or convince people that the game is better now, post patch - and truthfully, it doesn't even matter what myself and three others see or don't see. When a person plays a game, they are going to look at that game in a certain way, and we all have our own way of looking at things.
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