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Old 07-11-2014, 02:11 AM   #8
Five Becomes Four
Hooe's Arena
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Re: Thoughts On a Fee Based DLC Or Unlock For A "Simulation" Mode In Madden?

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Exactly, that's what I'm basing the proposal on, MUT. If EA was willing to do that for an additional revenue stream, I'm wondering if they might consider something similar for a mode like this.
Think of a way to monetize this mode to the extent that MUT is dominated by microtransactions and then Tiburon might begin to consider it.

That's the reason MUT is the exception - it quite literally is a revenue engine built into the game. A "sim play" DLC pack is something which will require a ton of programming / art support for addition of features and AI beyond what currently exists in the game and - unless you are thinking of something I am not - will only realistically see one transaction, that being the pay wall for the initial download. The economics aren't remotely similar and to that end it's not justifiable.
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